Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Okay so I haven't posted as often as I wanted but its been crazy. I have filled in for someone at work everyday this week and I think three days last week and I am still trying to pack. Packing is not nearly as far as it should be but I have two more classes today and then I will be home the rest of the day so hopefully I will get some serious stuff done. The big moving day is this saturday, which will also spred into friday and sunday but big stuff moves on saturday. VERY EXCITED!!! Now its almost time for class so I will leave off with a couple more pictures of those kids who follow me around.

Friday, September 07, 2007


Wow it has been almost a year since I posted......thats bad. Do you think anyone still checks this? Probably not.

Lets see what has happened??? My sweet little store closed around January (very emotional) then around July the Springfield store closed, it was a rough ride but I think we have all survived, been a couple weeks since I have checked in with them all though.

I have started school, I am offically a freshman at MSSU! Yeah! I am taking 13 hours and a freshman orientation course which (steps onto the soapbox) is a HUGE waste of my time! Other then that is has not been so bad. The girls are back at First United Methodist and so am I. We started an early drop off program this year and I am taking care of those kiddos. We had a busy summer that seemed to fly by time spent outside, a trip to the lake, trip to the zoo with Aunt Carolyn, a pirate dance recital and packing. Packing? What? Yeah we are also moving at the end of this month if all goes well, I will keep you posted on that one.

Well I will leave you all now with a picture from the zoo. Hopefully now that I am on my new computer (thanks Mike love you) I will keep this up to date espically since there are so many changes!

About Me

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Me, two kids, two dogs and a cat how could life get any better?