Thursday, January 31, 2008

The tonsils are gone!

Day 1 : We had been home for just a few that means that the GOOD meds that they gave her at the hospital are still working not too much going on. I think she only got one nap in when they told me she would sleep all day.
Day 2: She has stopped talking and is a bit of a whiner. We will make it though...that is if Aubrey will leave her alone.
If the dogs aren't outside they have been curled up with her, espically Lucy. Lucy is such a sweet natured dog and I think she knows that it is not right for Bailey to be acting like this since Bailey is usually the one bugging her.
This one is last today....she has the zombie eyes....tylenol with codeine is a good thing, I just wish she owuld go to sleep! Poor Kid!

And this is just the pups....I looked over the other day and saw this, how cute are they?!?!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

funny stuff

OK so there is not so much going on....the girls are sick but they are on antibiotics so hopefully they will get better before Bailey has her surgery. I have waited too long for this for us to have to reschedule it!!! I am still doing homework and working and taking care of them. Not much else going on but I found this today on yahoo and thought that is was so funny I had to share!!
WARNING there are some foul words but there are some others that are too funny!!

Go down on the page to find "The Mortified Shoebox Show"

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hold on to your hats, two posts in one day!

Something happened today and while this may appear to be a naughty puppy post its not (well not totally). Bailey yells from the living room "mom the dogs have your glove" by the time I make it in there this is what it looks like, my dry clean only blue angora gloves are no more. That is when it happened, I started to get sad because of where the gloves came from and the memories behind them then I realized that one its a material possession and two those are memories I don't want. The past, times that really weren't all that happy.
When I was talking to someone this weekend I was told that change is good, look to the horizon I said I was going to write that on my arm in sharpie and after this morning I just might. So the gloves go in the trash and I am still smiling. This year really will be better.

Dan is the Man!

Last night we went to see Daniel play ball. It was the first game that we have been to and I regret that but boy did we pick a game to go to!!! Daniel played great!! The other boys were good too I guess but Daniel had 6 3 point shots!! The beat Parkview 60-54, it was close at a few points and you only looked with one eye open but they did great! Good Job Dan (even though I don't like calling you that!). I hope next Friday goes as well!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Well I couldn't post again without any pictures so here is Sally being a bit naughty again...had to take a picture and then she got in trouble.
So I went out tonight, I haven't been out in awhile as most of you know. Little to sheltered I guess. It was nice though, went to dinner had a great conversation. The best part is, I'm not stressed. I had butterflies when I got there but by the end of the evening I was happy. You know that high that you used to get when you were young and it makes you smile like a dork for days. Its great to be a dork sometimes. A lame dork is even better ;) Anyway, I had fun and it was great but I am not stressed about it. I am going to take it for what it is and that is was a fun night and enjoy the moment and keep smiling. Just had to share my happiness with you all. Goodnight!
UPDATE:For those of you who might question it, I do clean my table before I let people eat off it! :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Well I really don't have any pictures to share because I am not on the picture a day band wagon, although I love the people who are!
News; Bailey will have her tonsils out on January 30th, she is a little nervous but I am sure she will be fine (I am just going to keep saying that), she will be missing pajama day at school though which Aubrey is upset about even though Aubrey still gets to go.
Aubrey has lost two of her bottom teeth (guess I could have taken a picture of that!).
I started back to school will be a long haul lets just leave it there.

As for now I will leave you with a blog that I really enjoyed. If it is possible to fall in love with words this person grabs me everytime they write. Hope it makes you think.

The only way to live is to accept each minute as an unrepeatable miracle, which is exactly what it is: a miracle and unrepeatable."Storm Jameson

Life is a string of moments, a spine tingling sequence of magical moments. Miraculous, electrifying, life changing moments one after another. Frozen in time moments that will never be repeated again. Yet how many of us fritter away a large portion of our momentous moments in a succession of relatively unexciting, uninspiring and generally unproductive activities? Way too many.
How about you? Do you habitually squeeze all the fun and excitement you can from each and every day, seeking to make each day your best day ever? Or does one day after another seem to blur together into an inconsequential haze? The way you approach these extraordinary moments systematically shapes the life you get to enjoy. If you're going to make the most of your life, you must start making the most of each magical moment.
When you energetically embrace life's precious moments, filling each thrilling minute with electrically charged enthusiasm, your life will instantly take on heightened meaning and increased passion. You will soon finding yourself loving the life that you live and living the life that you love. This was something that I missed out on for a large chunk of my life, that I now know I will never get back.
When you think about it, the only time you control is the moment at hand. After all, yesterday is gone and will soon be a distant memory. And tomorrow is never promised to any of us. That leaves us just one day the most important day ? the only day that ever counts. And that day is today. A day chock full of magical moments. A day that we'll cherish forever. Wasting even a minute, much less an hour or two, of the only day you will ever have is a mistake any of us can ill afford to make.
Why not set your sights on making today the greatest day of your life? Right this very moment! When you start squeezing all the living you can from every moment, you'll start adding magic to your life.
You need to seize the day right here and right now, right this very moment. Why wait and allow hundreds or even thousands of moments to slip right through your fingers? Don't wait or hesitate, but get busy and start snatching these marvelous moments before you lose them forever.

Friday, January 11, 2008


Excited does not even begin to describe how I feel! I am one of the winners of Elsie's blog challenge!! Go to the link here and it will show you the winners I am number 5!!! I was so excited last night when I saw it that I started screaming! Aubrey said if I didn't stop screaming the neighbors were going to call the I guess stepping out of my box is paying off so far!!!

Thursday, January 03, 2008


There have been several things that I have wanted to share with you all recently and today I saw one that has to be shared right now!! Saw this on Donna Downey's blog. Not even half way through I had is an awesome idea that should be used!! Things that seem simple can mean so much.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Elsie Challenge!!

Ok so I said that my resolution was to step out of my goes nothing. I am posting this page for all to see. Elsie has put up a challenge on her blog (link to the right) to make a page that shows how we evolved in 2007. Here is my page. Now posting pages on here is one thing but there will be a link on her that is a whole other ball park. If was fun and I got a page done.

About Me

My photo
Me, two kids, two dogs and a cat how could life get any better?