Thursday, February 28, 2008

A certain person has now let me know twice that I need to update my blog. Well all I have to say is this picture better make up for me not blogging since Valentines!!!

Nothing has really been going is one day 60s the next. I took the ice picture on my way to work one day...there was NO ONE on the road it was strange.

I think I have subbed for a teacher everyday this week and we have several kids out of school sick...not good! We are all well here.

Sally seems to think that it is more fun to visit the neighbors then it is to hang out with us, luckily I have a REALLY nice neighbor who says it is no big deal if my puppy crawls under her fence. I personally just want to toss her out right now! It is so strange she has escaped several times and Lucy never gets out, Lucy just sits by the fence and watches her almost as to say 'ha ha your gonna get in trouble and I'm not!!'...who knows though.

So the picture of me was in Tabetha's car, we were on our way to Neosho to try on wedding dresses for her and I asked to borrow some sunglasses she pointed me in the direction of the door, I stick my hand in and this is what comes out!! Automatic immaturity!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Someone shared this with me and I thought it would be a nice thing to share with you on the day of love! Happy Valentines Day!

Once upon a time there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all the others, including Love.
One day it was announced to all of the feelings that the island was going to sink to the bottom of the ocean. All the feelings prepared their boats to leave. Love was the only one that stayed. She wanted to preserve the island paradise until the last possible moment.
When the island was almost totally under, Love decided it was time to leave. She began looking for someone to ask for help.
Just then Richness was passing by in a grand boat. Love asked Richness, "Can I come with you on your boat?" Richness answered, "I'm sorry, but there is a lot of silver and gold on my boat and there would be no room for you anywhere."
Love then decided to ask Vanity, who was passing in a beautiful vessel, for help. Love cried out, "Vanity, help me please." "I can't help you," Vanity said, "You are all wet and will damage my beautiful boat."
Next Love saw Sadness passing by. Love said, "Sadness, please let me go with you." Sadness answered, "Love, I'm sorry, but I just need to be alone now."
Then Love saw Happiness. Love cried out, "Happiness, please take me with you." But Happiness was so overjoyed that he didn't hear Love calling to him.
Love began to cry. Then she heard a voice say, "Come Love, I will take you with me." It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that she forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived on land the elder went on his way. Love realized how much she owed the elder.
Love then found Knowledge and asked, "Who was it that helped me?" "It was Time," Knowledge answered. "But why did Time help me when no one else would?" Love asked. Knowledge smiled and with deep wisdom and sincerity answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is."

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Tag.....I'm it!

So I read several blogs and a lot of them have had 'tags' on them over time and I wanted to be tagged, then it hits me no one is going to tag me! So I am going to tag myself mainly because I am not in the best mood today and I have homework to what do I do? I blog!

1. Name your two favorite scrapbooking topics: My girls and now my dogs

2. Where are the two best places you’ve been to? Nashville and Cocoa Beach

3. Name two things you do every day: Shower and intake some kind of caffeine

4. Tell us two things that pretty much everyone knows about you: I have twins kids and twin dogs and I am looking for prince charming

5. Tell us two things that everyone DOESN’T know about you: I want to be a house wife and I wouldn't mind being a starving artist.

6. Tell us two things that got you into the hobby of scrapping:My kids and working at Creations Unlimited

7. Tell us two things that you want to accomplish in the next six months: Get straight A's and lose 10lbs.

8. Name your two favorite scrapping tools:Mono glue and fiskars scissors

9. Name your two favorite sources of scrapping inspiration: Two Peas in a Bucket...and blogs

10. How has your scrapping changed since you started? It actually looks good now (at least I think it does)

11. What scrapbooking project have you yet to try but would love to? making those acrylic mini albums

Ok so I am going to Tag Jennifer because I think she might be one of the few people who reads this blog that has a blog of their own. And she might need a bit and non homework thinking too!!!

About Me

My photo
Me, two kids, two dogs and a cat how could life get any better?