Thursday, January 31, 2008

The tonsils are gone!

Day 1 : We had been home for just a few that means that the GOOD meds that they gave her at the hospital are still working not too much going on. I think she only got one nap in when they told me she would sleep all day.
Day 2: She has stopped talking and is a bit of a whiner. We will make it though...that is if Aubrey will leave her alone.
If the dogs aren't outside they have been curled up with her, espically Lucy. Lucy is such a sweet natured dog and I think she knows that it is not right for Bailey to be acting like this since Bailey is usually the one bugging her.
This one is last today....she has the zombie eyes....tylenol with codeine is a good thing, I just wish she owuld go to sleep! Poor Kid!

And this is just the pups....I looked over the other day and saw this, how cute are they?!?!

1 comment:

Fuller Family said...

Poor baby! I hope she is getting lots of ice cream.

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Me, two kids, two dogs and a cat how could life get any better?